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Thought I'd put out a quick text update. I've finished re-rendering the scenes I wanted to fix up, I've got the fox up on the benches and I'm currently animating a the Burr giving him a BJ :D

Should have something ready for the end of the month, but wanted to let you know I'm still here, still working, and getting things done. ^_^ 

MEDICAL: (you can skip this if you don't want to read it) Had another bout of whatever covid has done to me making me exhausted when doing physical -or- mental tasks, so having to take frequent breaks. I'm sorry I'm not able to post as frequently as I did before but this more sparse posting schedule has meant I'm able to work through this trouble without a heavy weight on my shoulders, it's really helping my mental state. All I can do is hold on now and hope that eventually they figure out how to fix whatever is causing this so I (and everyone else dealing with this) can get back to normal. 


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