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Hello ^_^

Good news, things have progressed to the point where it's just waiting on rendering and simulation.

So far I've finished animating, done three internal shots (one that needs simulation adding) extended the external shot, fixed up the lighting, refined the camera movement, added another camera angle, rerun the simulation and now things are rendering. The very last shot to be done will be the simulation and rendering of the internal climax shot.

The computer is currently making my room very warm doing rendering and I'll not be taking away any time to do a preview. (not really much point) I will be posting up the finished animation as soon as it's done. (if nothing goes wrong that will be early next week)

Because so many people wanted the Polar Burr to cram himself into the fox (and my rigging has not quite got to that level yet) I made a poll for the Executive Producers, they got to decide if he stays the current size, or become more fox compatible. The results are the bear is going to be scaled down (rest assured I'll be making him as big as possible whilst still making sure he can fit)

This opens up (pun intended) more stuff the bear can get up to I'll be putting up a poll shortly for the Executive Producers to decide what is going to go on in the next animation.  

Ongoing Work: finishing up the animation with simulation and rendering. Resizing the polar bear, updating existing work to deal with the change in scale then getting on with rigging. 

As for how I'm doing, concentration is coming back, not getting quite so tired when doing detail work allowing for longer sessions. However doing stuff around the house still wears me out very quickly :/ I'd say I'm running around 70% and things are trending in the right direction. :) 

I'll see you all next when the animation is completed. (hopefully in a few days)


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