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Welcome to the Sunday Progress report 

This week has been a lot of setting up for audio work and getting more of the Polar Bear done.

I've now set up a little desk top Foley cove, to do this I've tidied and reorganized my work room, spent a few days sorting out various technical issues with the hardware (set of XLRs that I've had for years and were sold as balanced turn out to only have two cables so needed some more of those) now I've managed to do some test recordings and am still fiddling with the audio setup, software, and all the other little annoyances that only come to light when you try things out. 

It became obvious on Friday that I'd not have a completed video by Sunday with audio so I switched gears and did some more work on the Polar Bear, got his eyes textured a nice icy blue, working on his teeth (I've not made an ursine set yet), due to my new workflow I can hop about between rigging working on the fur, working on the sculpt (if no UV changes happen) all at the same time. Rigging him is a bit of a challenge, I've not worked on this sort of body shape before and it's a lot of finding and fixing issues. Also I've included a very early WIP of the fur as an attachment. 

The main thing I'll be tackling this week is the climax shot decided by the executive producers "Moonlight riding", I'll get on with blocking in the animation quick recap would be "the wolf speed up and climax, the fox also does, (hands free) followed by a messy pullout from the wolf." I'll see how much I can get done by next week.

Anyway not much to show this week but a lot of necessary audio setup has been done along with more work on the Polar Bear.

See you all next week ^_^ 



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