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  • Basted_Otter_rough_edit.mp4
  • Basted_Otter_Cam_1_Clean.mp4
  • Basted_Otter_Cam_6_Clean.mp4



Hi, doing a small update off the normal schedule today as I'm off to get the first dose of the vaccine tomorrow ^_^ 

Having heard reports it can be anything from a bit of a sore arm to getting laid up in bed for several days feeling awful, I decided it might be a good idea to put a post out today just in case it's the latter.

Here are the first two cameras rendered from the Basted Otter animation and a very quick rough cut of the two together, (I'll most likely make a little collection of clips when it's all done to be the 'release' version and then people can come here if they want to see the full uncut camera angles) 

Something that I didn't notice until the render was done was that the motion blur was eating all the fluid details and the resultant image was fuzzy. After doing a load of checks and running through some old files (all of those were giving me issues too) it turns out that the way certain things are calculated was changed a few updates back on the render engine I use. so some time today was taken and the shader altered to account for this. I've included comparison pics (and they have motion blur), this is what things will look like when re-rendered. 

I've also put up a little comparison with how I'm getting on with continuing work to the foxes fur. 

Small note I've got written up and ready to go some stuff I'm going to post to social media tomorrow evening (the Tiger with a Toy public release) so all that requires me to do is some copy pasting and should not be taken as an indication that the vaccine is not kicking my ass (I've seen people saying it can take a day or so to really hit you if it's going to) 

If I'm feeling up to it I'll see you on Sunday with another update post, if not I'll see you all next week.  ^_^



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