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The results of the holiday poll are a unanimous yes.

The reason I asked is because the vast majority of feedback I get on here is exit survey's from people when they leave, mostly change in circumstance (no issue here, world is a crazy place at the moment) or ones that say I've not been active enough (again no issue here, it's a subjective evaluation)

However because this is the main sort of feedback I get it's meant I try and speed up or at least maintain output the best I can, which is why I wanted people to vote on the holiday. I didn't want to let anyone down. 

I've only been working with 3D in general for just under two years, posting for a year, animating for slightly less than that so I still make rookie mistakes where hours of work need to be redone, the characters are going 'in and out of the shop' regularly when I find things that have not been done correctly. I make up for all of this by working all the time I can. It's getting better, slowly. I've got more scripts/tools in my arsenal, better workflows and the recent rig speed improvements. 

I recently read a quote by the legendary animator Milt Kahl that struck a cord with me because I make up for my lack of experience with time: 

“I got accused over the years of being a fine draftsman. Actually I don’t really draw that well. It’s just I don’t stop trying as quickly. I keep at it. I happen to have high standards and try to meet them. I have to struggle like hell to make a drawing look good.”

Finally to paraphrase what I said on twitter This is the first time I've done something that has received this much attention. A year ago I had no idea if anyone would even like the Otter I made.      

Again thank you for all the support it really means a lot to me. 

See you in the new year <3 


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