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Hello y'all, hope you're having a good month so far! I'm announcing today that I'll be restructuring my tiers a little bit. I know that I said that the ticket price for my Patreon would always be $1, but unfortunately I am not Arizona iced tea. Cost of living and service fees have gone up and I'm only able to do so many comms while I'm still trying to put myself back together.

So, starting next month, the early access tier will be the $3 Student. I have renamed the current Student tier as School Sponsor, to any who still wish to give me a little tip (it is always appreciated!). However, I will also be lowering the price of the Dean's List tier to $15 so that it's a little more of a deal :3 Make sure you hop over to the new Dean's List tier if you want to keep getting prints after the current Dean's List tier is deleted!

Thank you all for your understanding! Sorry in advance for the chaos this is about to cause with the Discord bot <:3



I bumped up a tier! Booty art worth it~

NightFaux (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-23 02:35:43 Thank you very much &lt;3
2023-07-16 05:38:09 Thank you very much <3

Thank you very much <3


Gotta do whatcha gotta do bud.