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The transformation poll!
But not just any transformation, it had to be (mostly) mascot related, like from humanoid to non-human, ish..? This was pretty flexible so bear with me, I made some exceptions~!
Not just Saiyan to -> Super Saiyan, a more significant transformation than that. Like explained in this cute example below:

Anyway, ha! You can't see their true forms, so you'll have to vote based on their cute small forms, I suppose this should be an interesting poll~? Maybe~?
We will see!
Poll will last until September 12th!
Multiple votes allowed! (If you can't, try on your desktop browser!)



Huh, I always thought Kilala transformed from a cat to a bigger cat


I'd honestly vote for more of the octopus girl if I could!


Bocchi has had so many transformations, how will you ever pick just one?