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And of course, the mascot Mickey in this case, is replaced by one of the guy's cat wearing Kiryu's (Yakuza games) outfit. Because why not ?!?! I'm only receiving orders and doing commissions orz;;

DON'T WORRY GUYS I'LL GO BACK TO DRAWING CUTE WAIFUS ? please forgive me don't delete your pledges




Haha no worries dude, I never mind your sillier comms alongside your cute ones. You still do an amazing job haha


Hahaha thanks ! It's just, sometimes even if they're silly, I get excited when people want to commission me for stuff like their youtube or twitch channel etc, it's awesome to see my work there like that, you're an awesome patron did I mention that?


Don't worry! Unless for some otherworldly reason you quit doing art, you'll always have my pledge. :p