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This will be the new fresh start of my long-forsaken original comic project of Amissio that I started years (!) ago and then ended up on a indefinite hiatus, mostly because I wasn't happy with a lot of things...
This was promised when I reached my milestone here on patreon, so I'm finally glad to start delivering that (whew)..

For this, I'm going to start again working on it from a different perspective and in a different way of storytelling rather than the classic manga style I was using before (if you don't know my older comic I'll leave a link in the description), using this format hopefully. It's rather simple to use as a base, and I already got myself a "rhythm" thanks to The Crawling City.

What do you think? does this style of page look right? Or should I reverse to a more classic manga-type page? (though that's a lot more work IMO)
I'll be most likely re-telling the first part of Amissio in this style too, but as a shortened version anyway : )

Anyway, thanks again for this, since it's Patreon suppor that's allowing me to do this right now, so thanks a lot for that guys.




This style is cool


<a href="http://amissiocomic.tumblr.com/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://amissiocomic.tumblr.com/</a> Here's the original old comic, it's on a tumblr account I never really used so it's deserted hahaha, but I have it as a some sort of quick back up for it : )


This way is what I'm used to now. No confusion and also differentiates from manga in the sense it's easier to read like normal Sunday comic standards. Plus I would say it's more easier for you to format and stay consistent with like the Crawljng City. So all in all ye' bruh it's dope.


I'm completely cool with this style, and aw yeah I'm looking forward to Amissio!


this style looks pretty good to me. looking forward to seeing more ^^


I definitely love this style; it has this special charm and sets the tone for the story.


This is something I could get down with. For me this is already pretty comfortable territory considering I got into your work through The Crawling City. Can't wait to see more!


Holy shit, it's real! I'm personally like the old style more, but what is more important for me is to see the new chapters. Can I translate this issue and your comments and post in other web-sites? Will the new Amissio be patreon-exclusive, or it be posted outside the Patreon as well?


Thanks ! I'm trying to go for a little bit of a child's storybook kind of story style : D


Haha thank you! Yeah I assumed it could happen, but it could potentially become so time-consuming I just;; .. Also, oh sure thing! I'm just going to wait a week until I have the 2nd page before I post the first one around on my other sites : ) that way Patreon guys will always have things a week in advance : )