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Excited Gug is excited.
Here's this week's one : D
I really hope you like iit~!
Thanks again for being awesome and for your support TwT)
And thank you to the recent new patrons too ;v; love you all.

I'm still a bit behind schedule with a few commissions, but I'm catching up!
Thanks for being patient with meee;;



Stalwart Maiden

*Morgan Freeman voice* : "And from that moment on...Aria knew-She dun F*** up."


Relatable.... Lol


Thanks for you comics, it realy ништяк.

Kage Ryu 「カゲリュ」

To be fair, Gug's anatomy may be different enough from humans that staring into a TV for days on end may not even affect his eyes. Also, I SAW THAT TAG. I knew it. I knew that was Kaz.