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( Both taken! Until next time : D )
I'll try to make this more often, whenever there's a minor character in a strip, maybe like a store clerk, or a passerby with a dialogue, etc I could include you guys from patreon ´w´)/

I'll explain,

In the next two strips for The Crawling City, there will be 2 random NPC (?) characters, with no major impact, just passerby people. They'll just appear in 1 or 2 frames/panels and have little dialogue. (1 boy and 1 girl)

Now, I wanted to ask you guys in the +15 tier, if you'd like to exchange your monthly sketch for having me draw your OC as one of these characters?

Girl is already taken! </3

Now, let's see... I just need a random boy character to include, hopefully nothing too "main-character ish" ? Think of a non-playable character person, between 15-25 years old, with a somewhat normal appearance? It could even be yourself if you're a guy and you believe you fit the thing haha

Ask me anything if you're confused haha;;


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