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Gug says so! Ahh but for the $15 tier only!

(Don't worry Merfie we haven't forgotten you)

There's no rush, feel free to send me a message if you have something in mind already!

- As usual, consider it a single-character sketch request!

- Or! A pixelart character!

- Or! Feel free to discuss it with me in case you want to save it for later too!

- Also! To some of you, I'm aware I owe you sketches from past months! No pressure either there if you still don't know what to request or if you want to save credit for later ´w´)/ I try to be a flexible guy!

*As usual, these requests are delivered during the first days of next month, early december.

Hope you're doing all well!

And thank you all for the constant support! Patreon has been going great lately ;v;



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