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As always, no rush! If you can wait I can wait too! Though I hope I don't make you wait for too long (I know guys there's like 2 of you I still owe things to TwT forgive me, I've been super busy but I have them in mind!)

As usual, reply here, or send me a private message naming what you would like me to sketch for you!

Note: Or make a pixelart chibi of !

Note2: OR if I already owe you, consider we can negotiate, say, 2 months equals $30, which is more or less what I charge for a bust-up portrait commission. $45 equals more or less a half-body digital colored character, and so on!

You can also use the $15 Patreon credit as a discount to ask me for a commission as well!

Feel free to just comment or talk to me about any questions you may have! : D


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