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Before the month is over and I leave for the US in about 4 days from now, here's the most recent batch of sketches~!
Thanks as always for the patience and for the fun ideas, specially regarding my OCs, that'll always be appreciated~
Hope you like them!

- Duck chan (OC) taunting an angry duck cause of her delicious sandwich
- Ages of Amon (OC) sorry I'm not sure if that's actually his name!
- R1P (DnD OC) very angry robot boi
- Blaze the cat (Sonic) wearing a very cute nightgown~
- Aria (my OC) chained, as a very cute prisoner queen
- Kaz (my OC) being Sailor Kaz cause she doesn't even need to hide her identity

zip file attached ! ♥




That Amon character is pretty cool-looking.

Death of Ink

Aria's dignity continues to be stripped away.