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Hey friends! Happy spooktober~!

I'm going to participate in a campaign later this month that involves the horror theme of nightmares, a very interesting fun topic honestly hahaa.  I'll be telling you more about this soon~!
Of course, very fitting for October.

In the meantime, I wanted to ask you directly for inspiration~!
I may or not do a poll later, still not 100% sure,
I'm going to use my own OCs for this, so it could be a fun chance to do a horror illustration for them, something spooky, I have lots of ideas already but wanted to see if I could share the creative fun with you.

So if you want to suggest a nightmare horror scenario for Aria, or Kaz, Amora, etc~? I'm all ears~! Depending on the comments I may do a poll and try something fun in a couple days.

Thanks again for your support and hope you have a good october!


Alex Rose

Put Amora in like a Wonderland setting, bright colors contrasting her dark attire or maybe its like a twisted Wonderland where everyone's insane and actually dark


Wait... if the theme is nightmares, you could do something Nightmare on Elm Street inspired.