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Hey friends! I'm slow but catching up! Thanks as always for your patience these days~
In any case, I'll still continue with the sketch requests of course specially if I get such fun and interesting ideas like these bwahaha, thanks a lot for requesting these~!
More to come later! ♥
- Henrietta (Gunslinger Girl)
- Parasoul (Skullgirls) office lady version~
- Giantess Elf OC girl worried that she probably broke something~
- Tish (OC) fancy ballerina outfit
- Kaz (my OC) joining the jack'o pose trend of course, she can't be left out
- and Giri (my OC) also joining the pose trend because he can be sexy too
- Aria (my OC) meeting the absolute alpha tentacle
- and Kaz and Aria (my OCs) as... muppets, yes!

Hope you like them! ♥




Really good batch. That Alpha tentacle one is outright mesmerizing. Also nice to see Henrietta again. And the funny sets are great.


I'd pay money to see the Alpha Tentacle in full glorious color.


these are so good as always but that alpha tentacle is just top tier


The muppets lmao Lots of comedy gold in this batch

Death of Ink

Good lord have some mercy on poor Aria!!