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"O-oh? I.. I think you're looking for another department-" ♥
A quick colored sketch!
I want to continue with these random quick colorings to do in between other works, they're fun and let me practice my speed~
This is a sketch from one of the recent batches I thought I'd give some color, hope you like it!
Thanks also to you guys who request her ♥




You just drop this on us out of nowhere-


Love it!


Excellent way to do an effective yet simple background. might even be worth telling your class. tho Amissio itself likely has great examples too


Right department *hug*

Michael Stackhouse

No no, this department is definitely fine!


I picture her as that sweet, adorkable secretary who drops the paper work all the time, gets flustered during phone calls (and puts people on hold a lot because of it), always has to bring the boss his coffee, bows and apologizes a lot, and walks around the office with no shoes on because she's too clumsy for heels (or she because she sometimes forgets she took them off in the first place). But is otherwise the best damn employee in the whole building. And she makes great coffee^^.


So cute! I love these colored sketches!