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So! This poll is special, as you can see.
To vary things a little bit, a meme poll is in order.

Turning the meme into an anime waifu!

Since this could lead to a lot of.... scenarios?
Depending on the result, I may use the winner meme as a template for my OCs, some fit very well, haha, while others are strong on their own to be anime-fied. Honestly I don't know what to expect, so I'll see what happens later, you'll have to trust me regarding my art instinct! ♥
Multiple votes allowed!
Poll will end on May 23rd~!



Hard decision


Lets go 13. The guy recently died. Lets keep the meme alive


why are yall horny


RIP Spanish laughing guy


Interesting to see how many of you are interested in seeing Mega Milk Giri 🤔