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So! Experimental time !

For the final poll of the year, instead of going with the usual Xmas theme or holidays theme, I'm thinking of doing something celebration-related with my OCs, maybe having a good time or having fun?

So I was thinking about asking you guys for random ideas, suggestions, scenarios, things happening, and I'll grab a few ones that I like the most or that I feel that work well and do something with that~! My characters, either from Amissio or Negative Frames, mixed together is fine too! Kaz having a good chat with Noz? sure why not! Cerise sharing some orange juice with Merfie? Of course! Giri crashing the party with tentacles for everyone? yes!

A bit too vague? Maybe! So I can't promise I'll consider everyone's ideas, of course, but it could be a fun instance to do something together ♥



Squeezing a Dominatrix Kaz into the mix could be uhhhhHHHHHHHHHHH fun 8^)


All of your girls swapping outfits hehe !! Might be cuteee