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Update: Friends! Okay, if you're an active deviantArt user and happen to have Core membership, I've been selected as december's corelounge artist meaning you can go and access my "crate" with the raw PSD file, process video, SAI2 brushes used etc~!
Also a longer verison of the video will be "premiered" on YouTube next week (Dec 15th) where I'll be tagging along, answering questions and all, I'll share the link when the time comes!
This means that for now, I will wait for a later date until I post the video and PSD files for this piece to prioritize deviantart's project a little. Hope it's not an inconvenient!
If you're an active DA user, and are -really interested- in this but don't have a core membership?.. Send me a message and we'll figure something out 👀✨


Old text:

I told you guys to wear masks, see what happens if you don't..!?

Or maybe...
This is a preview of a commission, bigger size/resolution will come later~!, This is part of a very interesting something I'll be telling you about soon, for now it's not like a story or project related, to not make any false promises haha, but more like a small collaboration/invitation for an interesting campaing thingie.
Stay tuned!




Amora: My father was killed by a masked man, so I have sworn off ever wearing one ever again. This scar? From the scratch I received when I avenged him.


Of all the cast she'd probably be the most fine when the world fell. Her and Noz.


Tho aria has a bunch of tentasimps to protecc her in the apocalypse... and bully her sometimes


Oh, I like where this is going! ❤️

Addison De Fanta

Would love to have this as a print

Death of Ink

Who's that handsome fella in the background?

Bryan Snow

Oh, fun stuff happening on DA


There are only three things that would survive the apocalypse: roaches, eldritch abominations, and Amora Fuckin' Allegro.