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Oof, the memories. I feel like I played this game a long time ago but remembering it hurts so much </3
Yuri ended up winning the poll from early November that had only my own choices, my waifus (?) Yuriiii </3...
Anyway, this ended up being more fun than I anticipated, I hope you like it! ♥
Thanks again for voting!

Also Patreon is flagging this post because of the word "yuri", c'mon patreon-chan I'm being a nice boy!

Process video and PSD later this month! ♥



Death of Ink

I sort of wish DDLC was a proper visual novel that had a romantic Yuri path, cause helping her deal with her self-cutting could of been an interesting storyline.


Umm... Patreon you do know Yuri is a Japanese AND Russian name first and the term came long after, right? EDIT: Sorry, Y*ri

