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50 pages already but we're reaching the end of this arc I swear~!
Aria just doesn't want to give up, not after getting this far! Oh no not this time!
I'm sure Giri will understand, he just needs to calm down a little.

Also we get to see a little of Feferon (oh whoops he needs to be introduced properly next time!), so he seems to have been searching for Aria's voice all along?!

Check the new amissio tag for previous pages!

new amissio

1-2  https://www.patreon.com/posts/amissio-ch5-1-2-33907383
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47-48 https://www.patreon.com/posts/amissio-ch5-47-41477471




That umbrella! Aria isn't holding back any more. And yay for Aria's voice being found!


Reaching the end? But I don't want it to end ;-;


Oh no worries! I meant this arc/chapter or so to say, there'll be a lot more after this heheh~!


Giri gonna end up like that one kid from Corpse Party


Interestingly, how did her voice escape her throat? This a mystery I am intrigued to find out.