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( Update: Whew! Sorry if all of sudden it seems like old news, but like I mentioned, I wasn't able to work on strip 41 due to traveling, family, and all that stuff~ But! On the brightside, it gave me time to polish lots of details regarding this strip thanks to feedback from friends, and to try to prepare the next strips better ´ w´ ) but hey, just, how many times have you seen me suddenly change a strip like this!? part of learning, I suppose haha!; )

Also Aria needs to learn how to lock that door.

Kaz is alive! (Welp, how many times have I said that now?)
And she seems happy ♥ and has a new friend♪
Well, not exactly new, since it seems it's been there with her for a while...

Hope it all doesn't look too convoluted, and it's easy to understand! I'd make it a continuation of a previous one but... hmm... at this point the last strips in general are somewhat all linked together in terms of plot, heheh.

Hope you like it! ♥




Amora + Aria team up to save Kaz maybe?


The plot thickens!


Hmm she forgot why she's there just like Aria and Nicholas in Amissio, a lead on to that maybe??


If you leave the clues, somebody will see them. Then it's just a matter of A) do they actually post about it and B) were they distracted by girls and post about that instead :)


I love that second panel shot of Kaz. So amusing. I picture her wobbling her head back and forth pleasantly.

Kage Ryu 「カゲリュ」

It's not her fault...directly. Probably. Also I see Kaz like that and it reminds me of that episode of Courage the Cowardly Dog where Courage is on the boat ride to Doc Gerbil's and the music just keeps looping, in a happy but creepy sort of way, "It's Doc Gerbil's Woooorld, it's Doc Gerbil's Woooorld~"