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Eep! I haven't finished Futaba yet ! (But getting there! heheh)
Okay so, taking a few suggestions from you guys, and a few of my own, these will be the next options!
I'll draw this one towards the end of the month ´w´)/ so, let's goooo!


Tyler Hawke

If Perona doesn't get picked in this poll or the next three polls [after this) ima request a commission for this girl my damn self lol


Acerola :3


Could you draw Ashi EXTRA THICC?

Kage Ryu 「カゲリュ」

...I got all excited for Callie when I was thinking of Marie. Oh well. Adding a vote for Danganronpa, though I doubt you'd end up drawing my favorite girl from that game.


Almost there, needs two more votes.