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I am currently finishing off commissions that have been in the making for a while and noticed the time process it takes to shade each one so I am making the decision that the 15 dollar tier will now not included full shaded works (to new individuals if I owe you works don't worry they will be fully shaded, this only affects next month and onward)  BUUUUT INSTEAD YOU WILL NOW RECIVED A COLORED AND DRAW WORK EVERY MONTH INSTEAD OF EVERYTWO MONTHS. If you would like to a shaded work ill be opening 1 ... maybe 2 max new tier that will get you a shaded work every month. Shading takes around 2-3 hours extra so I could sketch and color 2-3 more works in that amount of time. Hope you guys understand! I am now ramping up the process in working before next semster starts so you guys will never have a lack of content. -Love Sheepwoolington 



Sounds cool