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I have now reached the month of April with scheduled posts. This is great for two reasons:

1.) If I need a break you guys will still be seeing new content on a bi weekly schedule. Plus it gives me more time to spend on each work... You'll see a particular post on April that took me 8 hours.

2.) Once I hit June I will start posting the newest work in-between the weeks so you guys will have weekly content. Expect to see cartoons, furries, comics, and characters from 3d movies remastered. 

Besides that I will be starting spring semester this Monday and its a packed schedule. Meaning I will no longer take commissions until further notice and to those who are still waiting, don't worry lol I have all your names and drawing ideas on a Google doc. If its taking a particular long time I will give you access to one particular patreon exclusive post of choice that no one has seen yet, to hold you off a bit longer. Besides that thanks to these schedule posts this packed schedule should no longer affect your content so I hope you enjoy! 😊 😆👌


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