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4 Doodles today!
A nice portrait of Tanta! I should do more portraits, they can be quite nice to create.
Móranian Violet in an alleyway. She's not canonically a space elf but I know she's a fan!
Gracie carrying some snacks/pets in from the garden. I don't think i've ever shown a catgirl just walking normally, but I guess its easier than them crawling everywhere.
Cywen chilling in the woods, perhaps after a nap, while Angel keeps watch <3

Mega link if you need it! https://mega.nz/folder/cKUV0JgT#UkaRLUcczNFhQMDUFeaTUg These are in the NEW folder if you need it! 

Also, I'm always happy to read suggestions and feedback!

Thank you all so much for your support!
<3 Maeve






Tanta portrait turned our great. Definitely encourage one of other characters too!