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Size chart! Excited hungry Amelia! Licky Dragelle!

So i've had a couple of requests for a size comparison of various characters. I'm amazed it took me this long to be fair! It's a bit scuffed but it gets the point across. My most common go to size is 10 times normal human size (tanta/vizala/livana/xiomara/merre) with some varience. Dragelle is 8 times, cywen is 6 times (but also tall) and Tari is 5.5 times. Amelia being the biggest at 12.5 times :D Got some common everyday things for comparison, like a few types of car, a coach, elephant, other humans and a house!

Amelia getting a bit excited at the prospect of devouring you, and Merre cleaning her princess friend <3

New link today too! https://mega.nz/folder/cKUV0JgT#UkaRLUcczNFhQMDUFeaTUgv so make sure to update any bookmarks if you bookmarked the old one ok :) Also if you see any doodles from the past you especially like and want me to work on further, let me know ❤




It's a pity. Maybe kari has been deleted already : (