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Here is a preview of our progress on the Unity port. We always tackle the most challenging task first, the battle system, in order to assess risk. If we can complete this without major issues, we anticipate that the remaining tasks will be easier and more achievable.

The video is a sped-up version, demonstrating our progress up until we need to implement various battle effects for the current monsters.

I'm excited to introduce our new team member, Duke. A veteran Unity developer and a true team player, Duke has been instrumental in helping us build our imaginative world of tentacles! It's been fantastic working alongside him. My man has even taken the initiative to develop all the highly requested features, like the rearranging allies formation and numerical HP bars you can see in the video, with apparent ease. I can't wait to present him with more challenges!^_^

A warm welcome from the community would be nice, as our tentacles empire's foundation is laid upon this able soul XD


Tentacles Thrive Unity build battle

Working on my game Tentacles Thrive. I like to tackle the most difficult part first on every project, to get a feel of the risk. https://www.patreon.com/nonoplayer



I’m liking the health with numbers


can it be easy.I don't like too hard games