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ive helped my siblin move in along with me also moving, but im already done with everything that is super priority, so ive spent all week helping my sibling and their partner move to their new house. it took a while to drive all their shit fewfew days, but all prioritised utilities are in, so i can finally work on my shit again xD I apreciate your patience!

I have made several updates inbetween when i had some time. The ai should bug out less when walking, and get less stuck + take less detours.

the hovering and clicking menus thing should freak out far less etc

im currently working on implementing in moans again. im in the middle of re-implementing the whitelist system for expression types. im going to salvage the system i already had, but make it work better with my updated animations system. hopefully shouldnt take too long, so i can start on adding back the animated expressions. i played with ai voices for dialog options this summer, so i want to start implementing more of those as soon as i have the moans /sex sounds down :D


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