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hey! So, ive been working on a lot of boring stuff for the game currently :p

Uvw mapping the bikinis, so that I can paint on them, and readying them for the game etc.

Same goes for the animations in the sex mode. After updating my rigs, I have been looking at the current animations, and Ive been considering changes to the way the animations are done. I was testing longer animations at one point, although I landed on going back to short animations, that are instead changed between more often.

I did however make a lot of the blowjob animations a bit too same/ish, so I have looked for a few more varied animations, and currently im deciding on how ''unique'' I can pose the animations, without the animation switching looking too off.

The updates have been slow, as Ive been dead tired this week, but I am working in the background. I have just not posted any updates/streamed.

Im working on a few new animations now though, so ill have a surprise for you guys soon! :D



Thanks for the update! Nice to see things are coming together but be sure to rest too!