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sorry for the late update. The next 3 weeks will be seriously busy for me, as I need to move out the last furniture and make sure the house is fully cleaned before the new owner moves in. Its a huge house, so yeah, its a bit of work. 

Ive tried to do a bit of work, but yeah, there is nothing proper to show yet.

catch up summary - 

For those new here who might not know, My Father died half a year ago, and there has been an insane amount of shit going on regarding inheritance, as his wife and her parents are trying to fuck me and my sibling over, by ignoring my dads wishes completely. The legal works been slow and tedious. It will also go on for a while longer most likely, hence why I am not able to work as often / much as I used to. 

My dad had made it clear how he wanted to split inheritance, but due to a few retarded rules those documents are not valid. There are also several witnesses who know how he wanted to split the inheritance, but sadly they also dont count due to the law being stupid, so yeah its a shit show.



It's all good buddy, take the time you need :)


Good luck with the troubles, Liard, and thank you for the update


Sorry to hear your troubles are still going on. And that you have to deal with such ,what sounds like, very cold blooded people. Hope there is some light at the end of all this or some good luck falls your way after this.