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Ive done some more overall fixes / changes to the interaction system again, and im working on finishing up the inventory ui now.

Heres a new preview of the book reading ui https://gyazo.com/2a17e3dd4ef641c410163b9dede0c2a5 

So the game now allows me to change between the look of a book, and just normal letters fairly easily, which is nice. 

With the updates to the items, interaction system, and player inventory I have also finally started properly adding in permanent items to do live testing. The steamy romance novels and photos will be first =D

The overall fixes ive made managed to make the game jump up a default 10-20 fps haha.. Ive learnt a lot just fucking around again. 




How long until the next playable update :)


sorry for the random question just wondering how big the final game will be if you had to estimate? (file size)


i cant say for sure yet as i just started working on the game again last week, but once i know for sure ill make an update


no idea im afraid, but by the next beta release, the final size should be fairly similar, only a bit bigger, as all the 3d assets and textures will mostly be in.