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Ill start rendering the second angle tonight. Ive also been working further on my rendering setup, so that I can hopefully render a bit quicker in the future

Edit 17.05.22 -

There will be around 2-3 more angles of this one :)

Edit 18.05.22 -

I noticed there was a sync issue with tyrandes vagina on the first 2 angles. im working on fixing that. The next new angle will be a close up of tyrande.

Final Edit 19.05.22 -

Ive fixed the little mishap with tyrandes coochy. The last angle is now also up. Decided to cut the 5th one as it wasnt that different from the first 2 angles. Ill instead move on to the next animation I got on my to-do list.

Ill do the poll and potential swap update after ive finished the next animation :)




Cool, thanks and great work! I assume the "More Angles inc soonTM" text on the website post is now outdated?