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Sorry its been a while. Irl is needing a lot of my time atm. However, here are some of the updates I have done this month on the game.

For those who might not know, I stream occasionally, and I have streamed some game developement this month also, so if you want to watch it, you can watch it here

- https://picarto.tv/liard/videos 

Some of the updates ive made -

Fixed key items so that the key allways knows what it can/cant unlock. 

- Worked more on the ai's sims inspired behavior. 

- cleaned the code some more. To simplify it as i make more additions and learn more. 

- made the couch sittable

- updated the npc and players ''look at object'/direction' system a bit, so that its less code, a bit more seamless, and also has more types of objects they can look at.

- I have paid a designer to custom paint the objective menu, pause menu and ''objective complete'' popup.

- fixed an issue where the npc would stop by the player and wait (intended) buti nstead of leaving if the player doesnt interact, the npc would be forever stuck in place. Which was due to updates to his sight system. So thats now fixed.

- items can now tell npc that theyre in use, and npc will choose to interact with something else instead. 

- Specific quests can now order the npc to do specific things. Ex: a quest can feed an npcs ''to-do list'' stuff like. ''walk over to specific chair'', ''sit down'', ''read book until player has turned in the quest, or a specific requirement is fulfilled by the player.

So I made more changes this and last month, but I wasnt in the headspace to write it all down, so this is what i mostly remember from the top of my head. A huge chunk of my coding has gone into the sims inspired npc system though, which is still not halfway done, although the base is working well. The system just needs to be ''smarter'' about what to do, when and why. Im going to give the npcs some simple ''needs'' bars. Nothing too detailed though. mostly just stuff like ''comfort'', ''social'', ''fun''. to make the npcs behavior a tiny bit less random. Since they cant really do any of the usual ''live life'' stuff, this will mostly just help them decide when to sit, and for how long etc + where is the best spot to sit.

Stuff im planning on doing this month -

- fix an issue where item hit boxes dont react to being hovered, if theyre inside the hit box of a furniture.

- Add the ''needs'' bars to the npc

- Add simple stats to items, so they can fulfill the needs.

- update chair / furniture camera positions to look more cinematic. Maybe the camera type too.

- Update the look of the readable books.

- make viewable decorations have various areas or rotating points that makes the npcs look at more then one spot on said area/ decoration. (EX: npc watching a painting, or the fireplace) Looks off if he never moves his head.

- add in random letters, and make the bookcases interactibles, where the player can find random books to read.

- updated the hand rig again slightly for the female.

- updated the facial rig heavily. eyebrows, lips/ mouth, and cheeks + nose have been updated to auto animate eachother. ex: smiling lips will also animate the nostrils and cheeks. so facial animations can be made quicker and look better etc.

- make it possible for the player to turn on / off specific lights.

- fixed a lighting glitch with the fireplace.

- made it so the npc doesnt bump the players camera into the player.

- make it possible for the npc to use the door, and also make it possible for the npc to know what room theyre in, and make it so that the npc will only use the furniture / area inside the room theyre in, until they decide to leave the room. 

What overall content is missing before the game is finished ? - 

So the questline is not yet added to the game, as I still need some of the background systems to work better, including add some extra features that allow quests to be more heavily customizable.

I also want the game to play mouth animations when the characters talk. including the potential of custom cinematics being played during a conversation, custom body animations etc.

the npcs ''brain'' is still early in the process, and needs to be smarter.

sex animations to the couches need to be added.

The sex system is still not done, and needs more coding so that the sex can have phases like foreplay, sex and a climax etc.

the player and npc needs their walking, idle and sitting animations to look way better better. (these are all mostly placeholders atm)

Clothing options need to be added to the wardrobe. 

Easter eggs and a simple achievment system will be added for extra gameplay, outside of the storyline and sex. just for fun :D


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