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First off! The ocs for my twitter giveawaay has been chosen, and both have been messaged on twatter.

Second. Depending on how fast I make the above animation:

This month I will also consider doing either a patron oc event like this twatter giveawaay for 5$+ patron ocs.(2 random ocs with same sexual interests, where I choose the pose/background)

or Ill make an npc animation, and pick a few ocs to swap into it. maybe a mix.. hmm, not sure. ill update you all once im closer to deciding. Either way, I want to make at least 2  animations before I start coding on my game again this month. 

Ive been slowly getting better effects from my anti depressants + irl being less overwhelming, so I have finally started getting inspiration back, which feels really great. I have bled off a few hundred patrons(which I really get why honestly) so I just want to thank you all again for being patient and sticking around \o\ 

Expect another content poll soon



We're here for you. Glad you're feeling better!