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So, ive spent the past few days cleaning up the code for initializing sex, and the widgets code. I am pretty much ready for a beta release within the next few days now.  Itll be a small beta that currently will only allow you to test the sex systems soapbox mode. Game quality settings wont be changeable either yet, so if you have a low end pc, you will likely lagg a bit during this beta, due to the heavy lighting (I will do my best to get graphics settings in for the next beta, which will be in around a little over a month.)

For this beta, facial expressions and sound will be missing, and the animations are still work in progress/ need more detailing and work to look better(I wanted to add as many as possible, for this beta, instead of few detailed ones), the sex systems ui will also get a completly new custom look at a later date, so keep in mind that nothing here is actually finished yet, and a lot of coding/systems are missing from the sex system. (I have commissioned an artist to make a completly new ui for the sex system, which I cant wait to add to the game, hopeffully in time for the second beta)

Updates - 

- Ive been spending time considering how to make the sex feel more unique for each of the npcs mood types (sensual, neutral, aggressive)  without actually restricting the pose choices/amount of animations. 

- After a lot of thinking, I went back into the auto sex speed system, and coded in a more unique feel for each mood. (sensual means the speed slider will lean towards slower speeds, but can still go to higher speeds, the chance of that happening is just a bit lower) For the aggressive mood, this is then the opposite, while for the neutral, the speed doesnt have a preference.

- Ive been re-considering the way to go about the alt pose system ive set up.(I used this for breast fondling and clit rubbing in genns visions of nzoth, and the player had to click on the choice for it to happen) As much as I want the sex system to be as customizable, and not limited during gameplay, Ive chosen to go with a slightly more limited version this time around. Alt poses will be different depending on the npcs mood, and some alt poses will be limited to specific moods(sensual alt poses wont be able to be used during aggressive fast paced sex) etc. This system wont be in the beta, as it requires a lot of extra coding, but I have started adding this in.

- I also want both the sex speed and the mood to affect the facial expressions of the characters, which I have also started coding in(but wont be in the first beta, as I dont have any voice lines/ moans yet to lip sync) For the expressions, the characters will moan more/ louder during fast paced sex, and have softer/ a bit less frequent moans during the slowest sex speed. Expressions will also still be randomized, like in genns visions of nzoth. Regarding the mood, the characters will talk differently to eachother during sex(sensual mood= more sensual voice lines, aggressive mood = more aggressive voice lines,  yada yada) 

- I have re-coded parts of my cinematic and free camera code to be more self sufficent codes.

- I have been thinking about a better way to do the outfit system during sex. currently its just a list of every item worn in a scrollable list. I want to make this list a tiny bit less to scroll through though once the characters have a lot of clothing worn, so I am currently considering a system for that, which probably will include - and + buttons to show/hide a characters clothing on the list for simplicity.

- I started coding in a simple pose favouriting system, that once done will allow the player to favourite poses during sex, and then hide unfavourited poses as an extra choice. If not, they can at least scroll through the list of poses, and easier find their favourite poses by looking at the starts/checkmarks by each pose name. 



which race will be available during the beta?


This game specifically is limited to nelf x nelf. Future games will have more characters/races.


Really love your work, got really excited to know that you're making another game.