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Rant -

The above image is currently how the dialog system looks. npc text at the top, and clickable replys below that. Im testing out a minimalist aproach here, to make it look more like movie subbing. 

As for the arrow, this just shows where she is looking. during dialogue, the arrow will adjust itself to the height/face of the npc theyre talking to. in the above picture the npc is the same height/character,  but if she talks to a shorter or taller person, the head will adust.

To do -

Im currently in the start phase of the mood system, which works like a rep/exp system, and decided what mood the npc is in, depending on how you interact with them. This will be visualized when talking to an npc, and possibly during sex(as a bar that updates itself when you gain/lose points.

I also am working further on the dialog system, and testing how I want it to look. Overall it works pretty well though, so any changes I make to it will likely be fixes, and updates to how the dialog ui looks, camera placement etc, and min maxing the amount of code ran.

Updates ive made the past  3 days -

- Made sure walls and solid items block hit results for outlining objects, and spawning the interaction menu.

Made sure unstackable quest items (collected quest items) get delivered to npc when turning in collection quest. Npc will collect item from any amount of inventory slots needed, to collect the item. (yeah, this shitty stuff has to be coded manually, feelsbadman)

- fade in npc dialog text over time.

- if the player has a quest item in their inventory, and then they accept a new quest that asks you to collect said item, this item will now be counted towards the total collected items goal for the quest.

- when a quest item is removed from the inventory, the objectives system will also remove that item from the collected list, and ''unfinish'' the quest, if it was actually finished. Same goes if you put a quest object inside a chest/wardrobe for storage reasons.

- made sure collected quest items get handed in to npc, no matter amount of items, and wether theyre stackable or not.

- When spawning items before the game starts, the inventory now knows wheter the item should be stacked or not. (Earlier versions would just allways stack items from the same class at the begin play event)

- npc locations can now be saved, and re-loaded when restarting the game/ loading a new save file

-  A bug where the player rotation / mouse sensitivity would be super slowed down when interacting, has now been fixed.

- make sure player cant move when talking.

- For performance reasons,I have done more min maxing on the interaction and ''move item'' systems. These systems are when turned on, running their code every milisecond, so I have spent a few hours for the 5th time, shortening the code, and running as little of it as possible at any given time, but also making sure that the code runs flawless when in use. (This code outlines objects, spawns menus over objects when hovered, and the ''move item'' code makes sure items dragged out of the inventory get hovered below the mouse cursor until ''put down'' by the player. Ive managed to shorten this code way more, by rewriting huge parts of it. (Im still learning kekW)

- made sure player cant hover other items when talking.

- Mood system has been fitted with a point system that goes towards + or minus, or stays neutral. This is currently rewarded through talking to an npc, but so far this system is not visual. 

-Each npc has been fitted with a re-usable mood system class, that communicates with the dialog system. (as a sort of reputation / experience system) This system will be further built upon in the next few days, and will in the end also communicate / affect the sex system.




it's turning out so great! I can't wait to see the finished product :D


Wow, you have been such a busy bee! Things are looking great!