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Just a little update on my condition. 

This break lasted a bit longer then I had hoped, but sadly my neck got much worse, and that lasted several days. I had no idea why suddenly I just got worse for no apparent reason, but then it seems to be because I am only biting on the left side of my night guard, and it was the left side of my neck that was hurting like crazy, so I took out the night guard(which sadly makes me bite on my right side instead, but that at least gives me a bit less painfull pain xD) 

With that said, I am getting my night guard adjusted on monday, but sadly my neck is just sore as fuck right now, so I am not able to sit down and work just yet, heck, I am barely able to sleep again. My hands have healed a lot though, so I am crossing my fingers ill be able to start working within the next 5 days. I am going back to my physeotherapaut on monday too though, so I dont know how ill be the day after. 

Honestly this really sucks for me, as I had high hopes to get far on my game this month, and get 2 commissions done. I knew the physeotherapaut fixing my hands would put me out of play for a few days, but I had not anticipated the pain I would be in due to my neck because of my night guard needing new adjustments so soon. The night guard worked so well the first 2 weeks after I got it, but it had already pushed my jaw in a more forward position far quicker then I thought it would (which is great) but that also means I am probably 2 or 3 weeks overdue on re-adjusting it to get an even bite. 

I guess ive at least learnt a valuable lesson :I



Sorry to hear you are in pain :( hope things go better once you have your night guard adjusted


That sounds awful. I hope the night guard last longer next time. Take care!