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Butt plug that can be used during sex, or just wearing it while walking around and emoting. Very important feature *nods* 

I can now glue fingers to surfaces way better then my last handrig version. Super convenient for sex animations. Especially with toys :D Keeping my priorities straight ofc.

Will stream tomorrow, when i try to get the butt rig into unreal and working. Also working on a pick up system for the quest system, as that still needs some work.


(No title)

Well it took way longer then i expected, but ive added ik fingers to my already somewhat heavily rigged handrig. (got a reverse footroll type of feature) and now theres an ik fk switch for easy posing. :D Will stream proper buttplugg stuff tomorrow now that this is done pic.twitter.com/nL0oW4iBcG



well those are important items, would be a shame to lose them because of slippery fingers