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Commission wip. 

Still late on a few commissions, so going to sprinkle them a bit inbetween the game making. Dont have any huge updates for the game, so showing this instead. Ive updated the male hands and feet + ass a bit, so that my male models will look a bit better alongside my female models. Been years since I updated my models male hands and feet lol. ill add the same hands+ feet to my games npc once Ive started working on him.

Regarding the game though, ive mostly been cleaning the interaction systems code, and made sure the base code is good and reusable, as ill be using it for a lot of my games features.




Hey Liard ! Seeing your male model update made me ask a question : will the player be able to play a male character in the upcoming game ?


not for this game, but im going to let people vote for my next game, so if people want to be able to switch gender etc I would gladly add that :)


Liard i was wondering about something that makes me a little nervous. Do you think making a game/your own game with blizzards assets can give them grounds to come after you? I do not want you to share the same fate as Rex :(


theres another wow porn game franchise out there, so I dont think theres a high chance for that, although if it happens, it happens. Cant really do much about it. Rexx didnt make games.