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Most of you have already had the chance to play this, but if you do want to open the game in the future, I reccomend downloading this build, due to the new graphics options(they can now be saved), and they will make it so low end computers can finally run my game.

If you have VR, this build has some big upgrades for you, so I definitely reccomend you download it.

With that said, Ill go back to working on my other game now. Its just nice to finally have this finished. Ill do a free release of this tomorrow, as the game is already a few months late.(I was hoping to be finished with this back in march)




Congrats on finishing! :D


Great job 😀 Are you planning on maybe adding some swap options for Sylvanas in the future (Alleria, Liadrin, other belfs, etc) ?


Thank you so much for your content! I would love swaps as others have asked for. A simple swap to an orc or tauren male, as well as swap to various females. This high quality content is why I support you on patreon, and it's why you deserve more support than you get!


Not for this particular scene. sylvanas has such a unique voice that id need to get a new voice actor etc. For future projects ill get a more generic female voice, so I can do swaps


Id need new voice actors. not so much for a tauren male from worgen male, but I made the animations and everything for this game in a software I no longer use, so id have to go back to that software, including get new voice actors, so this particular scene is finished for good im afraid. For future scenes though, im hoping to do swaps of sorts.


I appreciate you letting me know. Thanks for the great work!