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Updates rant - 

Alright, so this took me around 12 hours to fix, because of a lot of retarded issues mostly happening due to several different things -

1. the movement fro mthe sex made it hard to click buttons

2. having more then 1 camera angle made it hard for the menu to read input from the user

3. the pointer i had originally made needed to be redone(it now dissapears when the user is not looking at the menu)

among a few other minor issues like the 3d menu not actually being the 2d menu, which meant when the 3d menu was clicked on, it updated the 2d menu only, so some options wouldnt show up in the 3d menu and so on.

Modes ive tested -

Those are all fixed now! I tested ut a few different ways to do the menu, and in the end I found out that having a menu that was as static as possible was better. I also tested having the user point at the menu with a controller, but this meant that the user would have to hold up their hand 24/7. I also tested a mode where the menu was onthe users arm, but again, the arm would have to be raised a lot. I also had to keep in mind that the user might want to play with only 1 arm <:D.. So ive added an option for left and right handedness in the pause menu. 

The current Setup ive made shown in the above video -

In the end I went with a menu that is steered by the thumbstick on the vr controller.(hopefully all vr controllers have a thumbstick <:D...) and you click on the buttons with the point finger button. This means the user can have their hand in whatever position they feel comfortable. The user can then move the menu in front of their face to click buttons. (the pointer is back on the head to avoid needing two controllers.)

This last setup I found the most comfortable, however I am not a frequent user of VR, so If you have a vr headset, and want to use this game with vr, id love your input!

(Video above shows poll option nr 1.)



I voted for Option #2 but I'm not 100% sure I'm imagining it accurately. Is it you press the menu button and the menu appears close to where your hand/controller was? Then you point-n-click the menu with your controller? (this would be the most "standard" behaviour, I feel) EDIT: Oh, you mentioned "driven by thumbstick". This works too! Although I've been out of VR for awhile not so can't quite place my finger on what I'm used to in most games


If people majorly vote for the controller ill likely test something like that, but right now the menu is following the vr local point and rotates around that. The problem with the (spawn on motioncontroller method) is that the menu could spawn inside a thigh or inside genn/stlvanas in pov mode. So if i do spawn it on the users hand, id also need to make the user able to move it and dock it to the world. Ill check the poll, and see what most people prefer, then go from there. Personally i prefer the headset method i have now, as my hand can just lay down and chill, but I dont want to 'reinvent' the wheel and make actual Vr users irritated at me :D