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The world of warcraft style walking keybinds, with LMB, RMB + LMB RMB combo and just WASD is fully finished.  Ive also setup a first person and third person camera switching setup(mainly implemented for so i can add VR down the line, but its an option for desktop mode too ), and ive started adding jumping, head rotation depending on where the player is looking, and a randomized idle pose picker for when shes standing still. (the new poses have not been animated as im only testing stuff so far.)

 https://gyazo.com/e70782a9afb762357c6c126d2ab02b53  - a bit of everything

 https://gyazo.com/ca3ba8bc5d84f0429866716e298aa58b   - idle poses

 https://gyazo.com/75231574d9bf4c9644824c0bb21ba30e  - cam options

The new features are seriously early work in progress <:D nothing you see here is finished other then the actual keybinds for the walking.



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Are you planning on a big.. 'gaming' part of the game, or is it more of a walk around and fuck everyone sim? One of the issues I had with similar games (world of porncraft and that whole series) is that it became a job to get to the good parts.


It wont be like that game series, im basing mine on completly different types of games


Can't wait to see what's coming! Always liked your style of animation and models, and those put in a game, exciting :D