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day 1. 

Me: time to render!

9 hours later, and the last few seconds of the render is overshooting how much it moves/rotates.

 *looks at scene, finds no problems, but tried to make some general fixes*

Me: Time to render again!

another 9 hours later, same exact problem is still rolling.

*confused as fuck, and does shit tons of smaller renders throughout the day, and ends up finding out that the whole scene is essentially just corrupt, as rendering outside of that file works fine, but that specific scene renders like a shitshow.*


So yeah.... I am right now just bug fixing this scene, and doing some minor test renders. bringing this scene into another scene seems to also just fuck the cameras in the new scene, so that isnt an option. I am right now though testing cameras driven by other objects. This seems to have fixed the problems, so once ive finished my last test render, I will likely start rendering the angle again tonight, and have it up by tomorrow. Second angle needs to be fixed in the same way, but hopefully ill have that one up the day after :) I still havent setup batch rendering on my second pc, so right now im just rendering during the night.


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