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New build updates - (ive already gone over some of these updates in earlier posts.)

- added whitelist to expression system so that specific poses like blowjobs etc wont have talking or moaning, while maybe romantic poses wont have loud moans that dont fit the setting etc.

- added a system in the expression system that checks the thrusting speed, and then finds out wether it should run specific expressions. Ex, if the thrusting is slow, dont run loud moans, or aggressive moans etc. This will make expressions feel less random, and more appropriate for the thrusting speed.

- updated cinematic camera to only run specific angles on specific poses so that there is far less character clipping on close ups.

- added 4 new animations.

- updated povs with a system that loads pre defined pov camera angles per pose, so that the user doesnt have to rotate the camera so much when changing poses.

- added a system that checks if a pose has a fairly similar pov angle to the previous pose, and then decides wether to load a new pre-defined angle, or to keep the active user pov angle.

- added 40 new custom cinematic camera angles that are spread across the 5 overall poses. (some angles are shared depending o nthe pose.)

- fixed weights on sylvanas hood.

- made minor fixes to the table

- made general fixes to the VR support.

- found some issues with the expression system after i moved it into its own class due to the addition of hte VR menu (The problem was that the expression system is now ran separately by the two characters rather then being 1 cohesive code like it originally was.) So ive fixed some issues where the users blacklisting of expressions no longer worked, and the characters would talk at the same time. These issues should no longer happen.

Known issues -

- VR menu depending on the pose will be hidden behind objects or limbs in the scene. This is something I cant fix until I get my hands on VR controllers, which wont happen until sometime next month.

- The VR povs on the 'sitting' pose is not optimal. I will need to write a little system that gives VR povs separate cordinates to fix this. itll be done once I get my hands on the VR controllers and sit down to fix the VR menu.




This is amazing! If I may suggest a few options to be added especially for VR stuff. Reset position and rotation with a key would be nice. (vr.HeadTracking.ResetOrientation and vr.HeadTracking.ResetPosition can do this) Options for gamma and brightness since not every headset has the same brightness. Key config for switching animations, poses etc. The little dot in the middle of the view is very distracting. Also I feel like the VR perspective is a bit oversized I think, or maybe they are just really big, but hey. I love this stuff and I hope you keep working on these kind of animations that can be viewed in VR. It would be awesome if past or future animations would be also added to the "game". Big thumbs up, you are pretty fucking amazing. :D


Heyy, you can reset the vr position and rotation by clicking on the active camera in the menu. You can also hide the menu and white dot with z. I will attach the dot to vr controllers in the future so hiding the menu.wont be neccessay. Thanks for the input so far. When it comes to keybinding poses, i am not yet fully sure how to go about that due to my pose buttons being generated by a datatable, but ill hopefully find a good solution with the arrow keys eventually.


Heyhey, After playing around in it a bit more I realized how to use the menu and its actually not bad to use (in VR I mean), so there's that. This is a pretty quality project so far and I can't wait to see where it goes. would love to see the demon dog and other critters too at some point, but anyways thanks for the reply and keep up the good work!


hi, i need access to the game. try login on your site like patreon, but nothing


please pm me with the step youre stuck on, and ill do my best to help you :)


this is really good!