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fml, just found 20+ more baby larvaes in our hallway. (1 meter away from my door lol..) had to move all the huge closets we have in our hallway, and do the usual intense cleaning.... sadly the larvaes were feeding on a lot of dust below a big drawer we have in the hallway. Only reason we noticed was thanks to my ferret being her usual self, and my mom doing exactly what shes not supposed to do. (put round waterbowls on the floor for her dog) so yeah. the ferret overturned the bowl, and my mom had to clean up the water, and we found the colony of larvaes.

So yeah after that I overturned the whole hallway, and found 10 or so more larvaes on the other side of the hallways below our huge closets.

So yeah, still battling these fuckers <:D.... But once im done with the last 2 poses for the genn x sylvanas game, ill start making my first Maya animation. Cant wait to finally get to that <:D im seriously irritated as to how delayed I am now though, thanks to these fucking beatles. I sleep insanely horrible thanks to them too..



now I'm getting curious what the larvae/eggs look like!


that just sounds like the next animation will be silithus/AQ themed


The larvae look like fuzzy grains of rice.


I’ve a lot of experience with carpet beetles. You’re in for a months long fight. The eggs are immune to most pesticides. Larva can live for nearly a year. They’re tiny and can hide anywhere. It took me over 6 months w/ a professional pest control company to fully get rid of them.