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Right now im working on finishing some model commissions, while also writing an auto rigger script. Ive already finished halfway through with the most important part of said script, so once ive fully finished adding the most important parts for this auto rigger, ill use it in my first maya animation that ill start within the next 1/2 weeks. Luckily the auto rigger is re-usable for most of my models, so i will only have to write it once, and then maybe make minor adjustments when i use different races :D

First im only planning on doing the base body like feet, hands, elbows, shoulders, spine, legs etc. Ive finally applied for the last course in the school i was in for half a year ago, so once ive finished that one ill also add a a facial auto rigger to my rig :D, but that wont be until probably 3-5 months, as im starting the course by the end of march. Im very eager to finally switch programs though, although ill have to learn how to do shaders all over, and how to animate, as I only ever learnt how to rig and model in maya.
