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all updates for this build are listed in the link above. Voice actors are missing from this, but ambiance, sex sounds and music has been added, including all pose options etc.

Here is a list of what ive gotten done so far for the upcomming build (1.3) $5 + patrons can expect this build around the 8th. This will likely be the final build before release, unless you guys find any last glitches I need to fix :D

Build 1.3 - 

- re animated all male and female expressions to fully sync with moan sounds.

- female and male sound/voice added to all expressions. 30 or so in total

- fixed background glitching.

- finalized background

- re wrote parts of expression system, so that it allows for different length expressions and sound clips.

- re-wrote parts of pose system to add individual morphs, and make system reusable for potential alt character versions in the future.

- re-timed some sex noises, and added a few more minor noises to some poses.

- fixed sylvanas hair which was showing her skull beneath the hood.

- updated genn and sylvanas facial weighting for better expressions.

- fixed hole in genns tooth that let you see through his head from afar.

- uvw mapped genns beard to be braids, fixed his beard length, and re-shaped his mane + parts of his face and body to look a bit closer to genns cinematic version.

- made sure expressions cant run twice in a row

- added individual sound volume sliders for genn and sylvanas.

- fixed a glitch where the table animation would stop syncing with the characters animations.


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