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Poll regarding sound. Currently ambient sounds are planned, slapping noises for the genetalia, and moaning from both genn and sylvanas. Im also going to include the option to have background wow music on(sylvanas themes)  The music will have a slider so you can turn it up or down. 

However, someone asked about dirty talk/comments. So, having gone over a lot of videos with quotes from hots, and wow, I have found a lot of decent soundclips that could work as dirty talk. This would obviously add extra time to implement though, as having them talk will require me to animate their lips for each sentence they talk. 

With that said, I am wondering if you guys would be interested in me pushing the finished release date back a week or so, for me to add voiced dirty talk/comments, with the ingame voice actors quotes.  here are some of sylvanas quotes that I found. 

If you guys overwhelmingly want dirty talk, it will be made so that sylvanas and genn evey now and then say a line. examples below -

Some of sylvanas lines - 


listen and obey...

I will teach you restraint...

how cunning... you have your uses dont you

a clever one arent you?

cum/come minion. serve the dark lady.

this will be a convenient partnership

you serve well...




Hmm..how about we sorta have a mix of the top 3 that have been voted? Seems simple enough to just have the option to turn dirty talk on and off at will, and if it's off there's just moaning.


yepp, thats what ill add judging by the votes so far :)